Progress Report:

 I have finished the Programming in C Tutorials of Carl Herold's although the lessons had stopped before the final application was finished so I was left hanging. So I moved on to Bucky Robert's Beginner JavaScript and finished studying them. I was quite surprised how similar the syntax was to C. I have then completed the MySQL videos available from php and the MySQL videos available from The PHP Had struggled to get the code from php academy to work so I searched for a different source to get a more current offering, thinking that the syntax may have changed by updates to MySQL itself which lead me to The PHP Basics, and his lessons were spot on. I applied what I learned from there and corrected the syntax to get it working and finished the rest of the tutorials.
 It's been a lot of information to sink in and work with but I am enjoying the know how. Been trying to formulate the best way to move forward with developing the "online project" itself since it entails complex functions and calling of files which need to be made and I don't have the knowledge yet to make the files, or manage profiles.
 I think I may have to start on smaller web applications and try to make them modular enough to piece them together into one feature rich application. For now though, I am going to get deeper into PHP and jQuery or Node.js, haven't decided which just yet.


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